Pretty psyched about tonite's Stanley Cup Finals Game 7. Been watching all the games maybe for the first time ever and it's so exciting it made me write a post on it. Let me start by saying I know next to nothing about hockey. I know most of the rules and most of the teams but it's a sport I cannot play so it's a sport that I find hard to actually follow. Both teams probably deserve to win but I'm picking the Bruins 1) cos I'm from Massachusetts and 2) cos they're due to fucking score in Canada. They scored almost 20 goals in Boston in those three games and scored next to nothing in Vancouver. I say shit averages out and Boston scores at least 3 goals tonite while Tim Thomas holds the Canucks to UNDER 3 goals while saving something like 38 shots. Dude's insane. He's got to feel good about not giving up more than 3 goals in a game this Finals and he only did that once. Come on Boston, help prove Luongo is a chump and score.